Civmec Limited (“Civmec” or the “Company”) is a dual-listed public company on the Australian Securities Exchange (the “ASX”) and Singapore Exchange Securities Limited (the “SGXST”). Civmec and its subsidiaries (the “Civmec Group”, or the “Group”) are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical values and believe that respecting and promoting human rights is one of the key ways to maintain and enhance its reputation, vision and values.
Civmec Group, its board of directors (the “Board”), senior executives, and employees (“Civmec People”), will take action to prevent any modern slavery activities within its operations and supply chains and will not knowingly support or conduct business with any organisation involved in such activities.
Please note that this version of the FY24 Modern Slavery Statement is currently under review by the Australian Government.
To view our Modern Slavery Statement please follow the below link: