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Vinnies CEO Sleepout

Civmec continues to support homelessness through the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. In 2024, CEO Pat Tallon took part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout for the sixth time and was, again, WA’s highest individual fundraiser, collecting close to A$100,000 for Vinnies. In total, the Civmec team rasied over A$150,000 – the highest amount raised by a team in WA and third highest, nationally. This is the third year Civmec was the highest fundraiser in WA for this event. Once again, we are incredibly grateful to everyone who supported us during this campaign to make a difference.

St Patrick's Community Support Centre

We also support the St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, which provides accommodation, meals and other services to vulnerable and homeless members of the community. Along with a financial donation at Christmas time, we raise funds for them through a container recycling program, and collect money through other events, such as “Go Green for St Pat’s” on St Patrick’s Day. At Christmas time, Civmec also volunteers to pack hampers and run errands for the centre.

Indigenous Partnerships

Civmec is proud to partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) businesses in our community. In addition to partnering with Spartan First for pre-employment medicals, we engage EWP Yalagan and Wirringulla Workforce for labour hire. We also utilise First Nations businesses for a range of supply and subcontracting opportunities, including logistics, fleet management, water supply, safety equipment and workwear.

“We wholly endorse your organisation as one that ‘walks the walk’ when it comes to Indigenous engagement. This type of support not only helps our organisation prosper but creates benefits to our Indigenous employees, their families and wider communities.” – Nathan Martin, Director EWP Yalagan.

“Spartan First endorses Civmec’s active Indigenous engagement through our positive working relationship to meet the health needs of their workforce, and their continued partnership supports
our organisation’s growth.” – Des Headland, CEO Spartan First.

Civmec Clean Up Australia Day 2023

Clean Up Australia Day

Every year, Civmec gets behind Clean Up Australia for their annual ‘Step Up to Clean Up’ business clean up event. It’s a day where we can work together as a team and make a difference to our local environment. This March, our team of volunteers donned their gloves, doing a great job of cleaning up around our Henderson site and surrounding roadways.

Various Mental Health Initiatives

With a continual focus on mental health and wellbeing, we support various mental health events and initiatives every year. Some of these include R U OK? Day, the Blue Arm Band initiative, blue trees on all sites, MATES in Construction Fly the Flag Day, MATES Big Lap, and Walk for Lifeline WA.

By donating e-waste (computers and other technology) to the Men’s Shed for upcycling, we have also assisted in providing the underprivileged with access to technology to facilitate greater overall connection and wellbeing.

Youth and Children

Employees at Civmec’s offices Australia-wide take part in Jeans for Genes day every year, wearing their jeans to work and donating to the Children’s Medical Research Institute. The money raised is used to help find treatments and cures for children’s genetic diseases.

Each Christmas, we make financial donations in lieu of purchasing client gifts. Often, we choose a youth charity to be a recipient, including Anglicare WA, who run the Young Hearts Foundation – a child counselling service that provides a safe and supportive environment for children who have been impacted by domestic violence.

We recognise that the youth of Australia are our future, and regularly host group tours of our facility for school and college students. We attend college open days, providing career advice and information, and the opportunity to ask questions and have first-hand, real-world experiences at our facilities.

Sione's Foundation

Sione’s Foundation is another worthy charity we support. It exists to improve the living standards of the people of Tonga.

Civmec fabricated and donated filtration tanks to the foundation after a volcanic eruption affected water supply, our donation ensuring the community has reliable and consistent access to clean water.


Whenever Civmec holds donation drives for Foodbank, our employees step up to the plate, generously donating food and other non-perishable supplies to help those that are less fortunate. Our most recent Foodbank donation drives at Henderson include the ‘Donation Drive-Thru’ event and a donation drive to gather food and other items in the lead up to Christmas. As Australia’s largest food relief organisation, Foodbank uses these donations to create care hampers for West Australians experiencing homelessness.

Morning Tea Fundraisers

Civmec hosts morning teas to raise important funds for cancer charities, including Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, supporting the Cancer Council of Australia, and Pink Ribbon Day. We couldn’t do this without the support of our amazing people who bring in plates of delicious baked (or bought) creations for everyone to enjoy.


Civmec places great importance on giving back to the community and providing support through sponsorship to local clubs and events. Recent sponsorships have included the local Australian Rules (AFL) football team of two of our female employees, sponsorship of the Bunbury Barbarians rugby team, the MACA Cancer 200 Ride for Research, the Port Hedland Well Women’s Centre Pink Pilbara Breakfast, in addition to many other worthy causes.


The importance of contributing to the local communities in which we operate through partnerships, fundraising and sponsorship, is recognised through our ongoing commitment to sustainability. To learn more about our sustainability commitments, please click the link below.
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